Wednesday, November 15, 2006

So it begins...

For years I've been intreagued by the thought of having my own rink in my backyard... I've hummed and hawed about it...

"Yard isn't big enough."
"Theres a semi-rink just a couple blocks away."
"Its a lot of work and effort, not to mention $!"

To hell with it, I said to myself.

So this is the year I'm going to give it the old 'college try'. It started out with the unceremonious removal of a tree that happened to be planted right smack dab in the middle of the yard. I didn't plant it there... and to be honest, that thing has bugged me for years. It didn't grow properly, and the trunk was all twisted - this lead to only live stuff growing on 1/2 the tree. Oh, and did I mention it is RIGHT in the MIDDLE of the yard? I might have.So, with axe in hand and saw in tow, the tree fell. I placed some mulch over the whole, and the yard has instantly become more spacious. This will even help out next spring when I put up Hannah's soccer net. :)

That being done, I shot over to the old Home Depot and picked up some ground stakes and string to measure out and mark the area where the rink will go... After multiple measurements, remeasurements and inner discussions with myself, I've settled on a 48x22 size rink (roughly).

Hopefully I haven't gone TOO big on my first rink. Only time will tell there.I've also priced out wood/liner/screws etc, and I should be able to get it up for under $500 when its all said and done.

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