Thursday, September 27, 2007

October rolls around...

The chilly winds of October are on the horizon... in fact it has fallen below 0C a few times at night lately... It's only a matter of time now.

So, that being said, I think it's time to go out to dad's place and pick up all the boards for the rink and bring them back into town.

I would like to do a bit more preparation painting on them. I'm going to paint the bottom 12" yellow to simulate the kickplates in real arenas... And I'd love to paint some logos on the boards as well.

I am also planning on putting up 2' side boards this year as well...

and maybe some more lighting...

and some more netting...

and maybe some lines...



This year, I anticipate that the rink is going to get a lot more use... You see, my girlfriend Laura and her almsot 4 yr old son, Parker moved into my home in August... And he's starting his skating lessons today, actually, at a local rink. So, ya, exciting :)

1 comment:

Scott said...

So nice to hear there will be two 'new' residents on the rink. Congrats to the 4 of you. It was humid and 86 deg. yesterday here in MA.