Sunday, December 3, 2006

First Flood

So, perfect temperature and conditions tonight to flood. -18C and no wind... no snow. So I brushed off the small amount of accumulated snow and dragged the hose up from the basement...

First thing I found out, was that I had turned off the water taps in the wrong order. I have one inside the house, and one outside. I must have turned off the outer tap first, because it was frozen solid. Outcame the hairdryer, and 10 minutes later water was gushing out of the hose.

*Note to self: Turn off interior tap first - let water drain out. Heck, no reason to even turn off the exterior tap, I recon*

I dawned my pair of neoprene gloves (borrowed from my trusty fishing tackle box), grabbed the hose and onto the ice I went.

Back and worth, back and forth... No nozzel attachment on the end, just free pooring water. It seemed to be going pretty well until I reached about center ice... then...


I figure it was probably the temperature difference between the water and the ice that set the ice to cracking. Nothing major, but on the shallower end I have a nice mosaic pattern of cracks now - they seem fairly close to the ground, and I'm not worried about them. I'll post pictures tomorrow.

But I tell ya, that sound froze my heart for a few seconds as I checked for damage.

I continued with the rest of the flood, turned off the tap and unhooked the hose.

As I go to bed tonight, I pray for little/no snow tomorrow, and a nice solid sheet of ice in the morning.

G'night, Home Ice!

Current Temp: -18C (-8C tomorrow afternoon, isolated flurries)

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